Bonnie Bruderer

St. Petersburg, FL, United States

It is pretty great, right? Please make sure to share the episode with all of your social channels, you can do so right from BINGE!

Replied on Mighty Man

Jun 14 at 11:41 AM

Trucks are where it is at! We have to agree...


Commented on The Light of Man

Apr 05 at 09:45 AM



Commented on Allies Left Behind

Mar 27 at 03:28 PM

Movie Of The Year

Ok, I just took my two toddlers on a road trip to GA (from St Pete) and it nearly did me in. We stayed at Holiday Inn's and wth friends. I CAN NOT EVEN IMAGINE treking like this. We are so excited to see all of the episodes of this show. Well done!



Dec 15 at 01:23 PM

Here are some of my favorite Goal Setting inspo: Tony robbins!!!!

I also currently love Mel Robbins (no relation):

And I absolutely LOVE anything done by MasterClass:


Dec 12 at 02:23 PM

Thank you everyone that participated in the Goal Setting call today. I am posting the recording HERE first, to get in the practice of using the community. I will follow up with an email, later.


Dec 08 at 01:03 PM

Hey All, If you are in need of a production studio, place to film your show or series, or want to create a commercial, we highly recommend one of our Content Partners, who offers this. Please DM me if interested and I can get you the contact details. Here is a sample commerical:


Dec 05 at 11:06 AM

Here is the second "tool" we highly recommend, it is for Awebber, to manage all of your clients, emails and to track offers and sales. We have arranged for you to try for FREE for 30-days to see if this product is right for your business:



Dec 05 at 10:58 AM

Hello Masterminders, Today I am going to be giving you some resources you can use to build your business and your following, and also some FREE. The first one I am going to recommend is called: BE LIVE and it allows you to post scheduled interviews on FaceBook, Youtube and LinkedIn, in real time, as well as some additional platforms. You can check it out HERE: